
Privacy Policy

Jimani b.v.

Privacy Policy

Last Updated: 01-08-2023

When using our services and visiting our website at www.jimani.online, it is possible that we process personal data from you.

As the administrator of this website and the services offered, Jimani (trade name of Jimani B.V.), we are responsible for handling your personal data carefully. We naturally comply with the requirements of privacy legislation, especially the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). One of these requirements is that we have to inform you clearly about how we deal with your data. We do this through this privacy and cookie statement.

Since this statement can be modified over time, we recommend that you consult it regularly to stay informed about any changes. In this privacy and cookie statement, we explain, among other things:

Which personal data we collect from you and why we need this data. On what “legal basis” we collect these data. How long we process the data. Whether your data are passed on to other parties. What rights you have regarding your data.

If you have any questions, you can always contact us. Our contact details are listed at the bottom of this statement.

When and why do we process personal data?

If you use our services:

When signing up for our services, you share certain personal data with us, such as your email address, name, and phone number. To request a trial account, we will contact you after the application to activate the (trial) account. Within your account, you can enter additional details, such as the restaurant’s address and the associated website (URL), and references to social media platforms used by the restaurant. Also, multiple (sub)accounts can be created, for which certain data are required, like the name and email address of the (sub)account holder. If we provide certain services for a fee, you can also share your VAT number with us, so we can include it on the invoices. All invoices will be made available in your account.

We use this (personal) data exclusively to deliver our services and inform you about them through service messages.

Integrations with third-party software: 

Within our service, it is possible to create integrations with third-party software. This allows, among other things, the exchange of data between Jimani’s systems and the linked integrations. The data received via these integrations are used solely to provide the intended integration and associated services. For some integrations to be realized, it is necessary for Jimani to be authorized to use the integration, for instance, to request data from the linked systems. Jimani will always operate within the powers for which it has been authorized. All data received through a connection with Google is used exclusively in accordance with the Limited Use Requirements.

Our digital newsletter: 

On the website, you can subscribe to our digital newsletter. Your email address is only added to the subscriber list if you have given permission for it. You can always withdraw this permission via a link in every newsletter.

Customer service and feedback: 

For inquiries, you can contact our customer service via email, contact form, and/or the (chat) widget. To assist you effectively, we may ask for additional data, such as your name, address, and contact details. We only do this if these details are necessary for handling your inquiry or processing your feedback.

Use of cookies: 

On our website and in the emails we send, we use cookies and similar technologies. Cookies are information files that can be automatically stored and read from the device (such as PC, tablet, or smartphone) of the visitor or reader of the email.

We use cookies for:

  • Essential cookies: to enable the website to work and to provide the functionalities you request.
  • Analytical cookies: to analyze the use of our website and services to make improvements.
  • Advertising cookies: to improve and personalize the online advertising offer on and beyond our website.

We do not need to ask for permission for strictly necessary and functional cookies. Analytical cookies are used in a privacy-friendly manner and are processed based on our legitimate interest. For all other cookies, we ask for permission in advance via the cookie banner on the website.

How long are personal data processed?

We do not process personal data for longer than is necessary to achieve the purpose for which they were collected. For example, account data are deleted when the provision of services is terminated. Details such as name and email address are deleted when you unsubscribe from the newsletter. Certain basic data from our customer administration are retained based on the fiscal retention obligation for a period of 7 years after the contractual relationship has ended.

Which third parties process your data?

We use services from various suppliers. If these parties process your personal data, they do so on our behalf, and they may not use your data for their own purposes. We have concluded processor agreements with these parties.

What rights do you have regarding your data?

For questions about our privacy policy or inquiries regarding access, changes to (or deletion of) your personal data, you can always contact us. You have the right (in most cases) to:

  • View the data we process and why. 
  • Have your data corrected if they are incorrect. 
  • Have outdated data deleted. 
  • Object to a certain use of your data. 
  • Withdraw previously given consent. 
  • Request and receive your data.

If you believe that we are not handling your data properly or not assisting you adequately, you can file a complaint with the national supervisory authority, the Dutch Data Protection Authority (Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens).

Contact information:

Jimani B.V.
Westhavendijk 13
4463 AD Goes
Email address: info@jimani.nl